An audit released last week from the General Accounting Office, reports that the Defense Department lost 110,000 AK 47 rifles, 80,000 pistols, and 135,000 pieces of body armor, that were given to Iraqi soldiers to help them defend themselves against insurgents. General Petraeus has admitted that no records were kept of who got them. He speculated that it could be a clerical error. Yeah. It could be. Except that they are physically missing...not missing "on paper..." Ever the optimist, the general observed that, "Just because we don't know where they are, doesn't mean the enemy has them." Right. Add this loss to 300,000 barrels a day of Iraqi crude oil missing over the last four years, according to news reports. ..and 12 billion American tax dollars...also missing in Iraq...oh. And 380 tons of explosives.
(This information was originally presented in a neat package by Jon Stewart in a segment of The Daily Show on August 8th. I felt it bore repeating. I'd also seen coverage of the missing weapons on various news broadcasts, among, but not limited to, CNN and ABC News. TDS puts it in context...)
Copyright, 2007
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